OP 292 Ranger Derby was a Success!

imgres-5OP 292 Ranger Derby was a Success!

Wow, what a day. I cannot express enough how much the kids and many parents got out of the fun and exciting day. The kids put so much work and time into building their cars. It was evident from the start that this year was going to be special.

As anyone who attended could see, both kids and parents put everything they had into each of their cars. The competition for Best of Show Design was as big a draw as the speed aspect of the derby. I saw cars that were tigers, rainbows, trucks, Pie3.14, Star Wars Robots, and a Tennis Racket just to name a few. Overall there were over 50 entrants into this year’s race.

But I was most proud of the sportsmanship I saw. Even though every person there wanted to bring home a trophy, when the final tallies came about, I did not see or hear of one person upset or mad they did not win. I saw people congratulating one another and being genuinely happy for their peer’s success.

And on the winner’s side. It was humble happiness for their success. I saw noimages gloating, trash talking, or other forms of unsportsmanlike behavior. This is a testimony to the great example you all are setting for our kids.

I want to thank especially, all the men and woman who stepped up to make this a great event. All the leaders and parents who showed up to help out Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I thank you all because, without you, we would never be able to pull an event like this off.

Click here to see the facebook photo album of the event.

Thank you all,

Chris Post

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